Vision, mission and values
The mission of Brestanica Thermal Power Plant is to provide reliable, safe and uninterrupted supply of electrical energy.
The Brestanica Thermal Power Plant ensures the stability and security of Slovenia's electric power system.
At the Brestanica Thermal Power Plant, we are aware of our responsibility to our business partners, owners, employees and society as a whole. We meet their expectations by ensuring safe and reliable operation of facilities, taking into account the principles of environmental protection and fundamental legal requirements as well as ethical values of Slovenian and wider European society.
In line with our mission and vision, our main values are:
- reliability (we dutifully comply with agreements),
- professionalism and innovation (with our expertise and innovative capabilities we ensure the satisfaction of customers, partners and employees and create successful and long-lasting business relations)
- responsibility (we carry out every task responsibly),
- care for the environment (we contribute to the development of a wide social community and take care of the environment).